Life Insurance*life_insurance_gif*gif?alt=media&token=1db8f335-a51c-4920-aead-df28975dba7e

Most people have a general idea about life insurance and how it works...

...and if that's you, then go ahead and skip a few paragraphs. If not, then here's our best explanation:

For simplicity and familiarity let's use car insurance as an example:

You have a car - it needs to be insured to mitigate and reduce financial loss if/when your vehicle causes damage. (We're sure you wouldn't want to hand over an immediate 5-6 figure check, because of an accident, would ya?)

An insurance company will consider placing that risk on their shoulders, because they have hundreds of millions of dollars in reserves. Some things they will consider for your eligibility are your age, driving record and a few other things.

If you don't pose a huge risk to their bottom line then they'll approve you for a specified rate (Sometimes at cheaper rates, depending on how safe of a risk you are.)

Now, if/when you have to replace that vehicle or cover losses then you're covered by the insurance company (up to a certain dollar amount.)

For life insurance its similar:*How-Life-insurance-beneficiary-death-benefits-work*png?alt=media&token=8ab02a96-3374-4df8-aa2e-0e3bc387b385

The life insurance company makes their decisions based off of risk as well, only this time it's the risk of you dying and a check getting sent to your loved ones in order to cover immediate funeral expenses, your lost income, pay off the house & debts, send the kids to college or leave money to the family for the future!

If you really think about it, that could EASILY add up to a 6-7 figure dollar amount, agreed? And just like the car insurance scenario where you wouldn't want to sign over the check for an accident; your family may not want to, or even have a check big enough to cover losing you!

There you have it in a nutshell. It's simple:

You pay ▶️ you die ▶️ they pay

"So, how is it relevant to me?"

Good question! Some things to take into consideration:*family-matters*png?alt=media&token=18f597c9-9c6a-471e-8f5c-01eda421dd9c
  • A recent study shows that 100% of people die. The immediate cost upon dying is a funeral bill (You can see some of the costs here 🔘) SOMEONE is going to have to pay for it. Ask yourself WHO and do they have that kind of money laying around to cover it all?

  • Do you have a spouse & children? Do they rely on you in some form or fashion, either financially or another type of way, like as a caretaker, home-maker, etc...? If so, that means that your family is your responsibility while you're alive... does that responsibility go away when you die?

  • Do you have a mortgage, student loans or credit card debt? Those obligations also do not go away when someone dies, and in most states the surviving spouse inherits it all! Imagine losing an income, still having to maintain bills AND have creditors bothering you while you're trying to process the loss of your family member.*walking-151828_1280*png?alt=media&token=90560753-6e16-4cfc-b73b-49966d11d080

This here is Bill...

Bill wanted life insurance to cover his funeral expenses and leave his family enough money for them to survive for 10 years after his birth certificate expires.

Bill also wanted to be able to access a portion of his death benefit money while he's alive, in case he were unable to work due to a diagnosis of cancer, heart attack, stroke, and many other major health issues.

He wanted...

☑️ to keep the cost manageable, so he contacted Rise Up Financial

☑️ to shop the market without headaches, so he contacted Rise Up Financial

☑️ a convenient and efficient process, so he contacted Rise Up Financial

☑️ a company that wouldn't stick him with a needle, so he contacted Rise Up Financial

☑️ to be educated and understand how his coverage works, so he contacted Rise Up Financial

🔷 Bill got the experience he wanted, because he worked with Rise Up Financial

Be like Bill*320567*png?alt=media&token=44291f87-b777-4ee3-97d9-9565b5abaa53

We broker your coverage, with over 50 A-rated carriers*Brokerage-Add-on*png?alt=media&token=815281fa-9ced-407f-b4b6-ed6dd9a013d9

Whichever carrier comes back with
the most competitive benefits and
pricing will be who we present as a solution*clipart-arrow-growth-11*png?alt=media&token=d59502fb-65e2-44fa-866a-7419a04ff6df

Next step is to apply for coverage,
which takes around 20 minutes*clipart-arrow-growth-11%20(2)*png?alt=media&token=efb3f081-e15f-4618-a48c-c9d45f51032d

The carrier will underwrite
and determine your eligibility*clipart-arrow-growth-11*png?alt=media&token=d59502fb-65e2-44fa-866a-7419a04ff6df

Once approved you're covered without
any exclusions and you can rest easy
knowing your family is protected!

Get started now with your free needs analysis.